In this second installment of our two-part series on Campaigns, Shell tackles the subject of Campaign Members – the method in which we tie Campaigns to people (Leads and Contacts) in Salesforce. He walks through how to setup Member Status to track response rates and then highlights the multiple methods you can use to associate a Lead or Contact to a Campaign (Manage Members button, from a View, running a Report, Manually, and using the API with a tool like the Data Loader). Lastly Shell covers ROI (Return on Investment) reporting, which helps you determine the effectiveness of each Campaign (i.e. which Campaigns are delivering the best bang for the buck).
What I did not emphasize enough in this video is that you need to evangelize and communicate to your sales team that a Campaign is live. Opportunities don’t magically associate themselves to a Campaign (unless you’ve got a third party marketing tool in place). If you’re in marketing and creating Campaigns for your organization, you should buddy-up with the sales team to get the word out – join their meetings, send them emails, and even walk the cubes. If you want Opportunities to get associated to Campaigns, you need to get sales on board.
View this video on YouTube:
To learn more and see screen shots on this topic, see our presentation on SlideShare: Introduction to Campaigns in Salesforce
Transcript of video below:
Hello and welcome to ShellBlack Whiteboard, where we talk about an aspect of the Salesforce platform and provide some tips and tricks along the way, I am your host Shell Black, President and founder of and Salesforce MVP. So, this is our second part of our discussion around Campaigns.
In the first segment we talked about what is a Campaign, how to create a Campaign record and the important fields, and get you going.
In this segment we are going to talk about Campaign Members, which is a way that we can create or associate a Campaign to Leads and Contacts in the database. So, what this Campaign Members object does, is allow us to tie the database together. So, you can have multiple Campaigns associated to a Lead or conversely you can have multiple Leads or multiple Contacts associated with Campaigns. So this is really many to many relationships or a joint object in the database.
So, if we are looking at our Campaigns, we would see our Campaign Members, if we were looking at our Lead or Contact record, we would see a related list that shows which Campaigns they are related to. So, it is a “join table” in the database. So let’s talk about that a little bit more and how we get that set up.
So, again it is a method to associate Leads and Contacts with Campaigns. It provides a method also to give us response rates, the way we do that is on the Campaign Member object, which we get through Advanced Setup, there is a button called Advanced Setup on the Campaign. We get to define what our Member Status is, and the Member Status is simply a pick list that we get to choose to determine really two things. Have we targeted or sent somebody this Campaign? And the second big bucket is, did they respond to our marketing? So, when we create our pick list values, we got some sample values here. We get to tell the database, what bucket we are going to throw this into. This is the default or “Sent” status, or is this a status in which they have “Responded.” So, let’s take the example of a direct mail piece. So, I have mailed the direct mail piece, so, let’s say to five thousand Contacts, so that is our default status, when we associate the Campaigns to those Contacts, it defaults to “Sent.” And then we have got multiple pick list values for “Responded.” If they have “RSVP” and said, “yes I am coming” you could have another response, response status, for “Attended.” So, not only did they RSVP but they showed up. And another example is that you can have a “No Show” button. They RSVP, but they ended up not attending. All of those were the fact that responded to our marketing initiative, but they have kind of different flavors or different categories within that response. So, you just don’t have to have “Sent,” or “Respond,” you can have multiple variations of respond, as in this example.
Ok, so let’s switch gears a little bit, and talk about the methods that we can use to put our Leads and Contacts into this Member Status. So, there a couple of ways that you can do that. You can one off, do this, so let’s say we are on our Lead record, or we are on our Contact record, you can manually associate a Lead or Contact to a Campaign. If you have got it displayed on the page layout, you will see your related list for Campaigns, and there is simply a button that says “Add to Campaign.” You click that button, you pick the pick list value that we were just talking about, for “Responded” or “Sent,” and then hit Save, and that is how you have associated that record manually to a Campaign.
Well if you have hundreds of people to associate, that is kind of a beat down, there has to be some better ways to do this, so let’s talk about those. So, you can run a View, and there is a blog post on on how to create a custom View. But essentially you would go to the Lead Tab, or the Contact Tab, and right underneath that Tab you have the ability to run a View. So, if you have run the criteria, you know, Contacts in Dallas and companies of this size, or whatever, whatever it might be, the results of that View, you will have an “Add to Campaign” button again, where you can tag up to two hundred and fifty people at a time, and associate in mass, those people either Leads or Contacts, to a Campaign.
You can also run a report, and if you look closely, the next time you run a “Lead report” or an “Accounts and Contacts report” you have the ability to export the report, and save the report, and customize the report, but you will see “Add to Campaign” button on the report. It is the only place you are going to see that is on a Leads report or on a Contact report. It will have the button add to Campaigns. If you use this method, you can associate up to 50,000 records at a time, in mass to a Campaign.
There is also another way you can associate Leads and Contacts, and that is from the Campaign record itself, you will see a “Manage Members” button on the Campaign record, and this really kind of kicks off a little wizard, and there is a combination of options that you can do that. So you can add members by doing a search, and tagging them with check boxes, again up to 250, very similar to a View. You can actually use an import file, so let’s say you go to a trade show, and you have invited 10,000 people to come see your booth, and 500 of them show up, and the trade show gives you an excel file or CVS file, or something like that, to say these are you attendees when you are scanning their badge, you can use that file to flip the in mass status of your people that you have targeted. So, you can use an import file. So you can do that to either add people from an import file, or you can mass change status through that wizard, through that import file.
That is good to a point. If you are importing a file, you are capped at 50,000 record, kind of like running a report. So, what do you do if you have more than 50,000 people, that you want to associate to a Campaign? Let’s say you are Salesforce, and you are inviting 250,000 of your closest friends to Dreamforce – how are you going to do that? You can actually use the data loader, which is a utility that talks to Salesforce, not through the front user interface, but through the API. We with the Data Loader, you can change Member Status of more than 50,000 records. There are multiple ways to associate people, Leads and Contacts, to a Campaign.
All right, I want wrap up this segment on two quick things, just so I do not forget it. So, I am kind of going to go back on this side. And we need to talk about measurement. So, the whole thought about Campaigns, is you want to see which Campaigns are winners, and which Campaigns are losers. And the way you do that with Campaigns, is you want to see Opportunities, or deals or sales that resulted from these marketing efforts. So, we went through all effort to associate people, Leads, and Contacts, and associate Opportunities to a Campaign, to give credit to that Campaign. So you can run, once you have done that, you can actually run a report that, it’s a link on the Campaign tab, to run the native ROI report. ROI being “Return On Investment.” It is a simple calculation. The true calculation is the dollar amount of your Opportunities that you have won, less the cost of the Campaign, divided by the actual cost, and that will express a result in a percentage. If you have more than 100%, you made money on that Campaign. So, if I kind of dumb this down, You spent $5,000 on launching a Campaign, and you made $10,000 in revenue, you made more then what you spent on the Campaign, it was a winner. You can run that report and analyze multiple Campaigns at a time. And what that is going to tell you is which Campaign, which marketing initiative, is giving you the best pull, or best bang for the buck.
So that is kind of the key to of doing all this “meaning behind the madness” of why you want to associate records to your Campaigns. And to find out if you are going to go and do a booth at Dreamforce, first, do you want to buy a bigger booth next year? If you bought hockey tickets for a stadium that you want to give to your high profile clients, did giving hockey tickets to some of you high profile clients turn into revenue? And that is what Campaigns is all about, trying to figure when you are spending marketing dollars, what is giving you the best bang for your buck?
So last quick comment on marketing is… If you are going to be a user that is creating Campaigns, there is a checkbox on the User record that says they are a MarketingUuser. If you check that box, it will allow them to edit and create Campaigns.
So that wraps it up. So, that is our overview of Campaigns. Again the first segment was all about what is a Campaign, how do I create one, how do I kick it off? And the second segment was all about this Manage Members, and Campaign Members and how do you associate Leads and Contacts, to Campaigns, to help drive some of your reporting.
So, thank you for attending this session. If you want to reach out to us and let us know how we are doing we would love to hear your feedback. You can get a hold of us two different ways. You can email me just by going to, or you can hit me out on Twitter at Shell_Black. I would love to hear your feedback, and I hope you tune in soon, thanks so much.